60 HTML CSS JS projects - HTML5, CSS3 and vanilla JavaScript

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60 HTML CSS JS projects - HTML5, CSS3 and vanilla JavaScript
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60 HTML CSS JS projects - HTML5, CSS3 and vanilla JavaScript

HTML CSS JS (JavaScript). Build 60 projects to learn HTML CSS JavaScript. 50+ HTML5, CSS3, vanilla JavaScript projects



Acquire the skills to develop exciting projects from scratch with pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - no external libraries or plugins needed!

Expand your knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript while mastering responsive web design principles.

mbark on a tutorial journey to learn the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Each project kicks off with crafting the HTML section, then we progress to the CSS and JavaScript segments upon completion.

Immerse yourself in an engaging project-based course that teaches HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, while guiding you to craft sleek, trendy, and responsive websites.

Discover vital JavaScript methods in this fresh, new course.

Enhance your proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript through project-centered instruction.

Explore contemporary styling techniques like Flexbox, CSS animations, custom properties, and more.

Delve into advanced concepts such as Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation, event handling, array methods, HTTP requests, and beyond.

Perfect for beginners who desire to build unique projects within a reasonably brief timeframe.


61 个章节 • 255 个讲座 • 总时长 50 小时 54 分钟


No prior knowledge of HTML, CSS, or JavaScript required. This course comprehensively covers all syntax related to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Code is never copy-pasted, and all projects are initiated from scratch.

To facilitate comprehension, each line of code is clarified and exemplified in the project.


60 NEW HTML CSS JS projects - 60 HTML5, CSS3 and vanilla JavaScript

Welcome to our all-inclusive course on mastering HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, where you will acquire the skills you need to construct modern and responsive web applications by creating entertaining and engaging projects.

Our course is designed to offer you a hands-on experience, guiding you on how to code web applications from scratch with the latest web technologies: HTML5, CSS3, and vanilla JavaScript. This approach ensures that you understand each concept thoroughly and allows you to practice your newly acquired skills without relying on copy-pasting.

You do not need any previous knowledge of HTML, CSS, or JavaScript since we will take you through every syntax and explain each step in detail. Our course is suitable for both beginners and experienced programmers. Whether you're new to coding or looking to refresh your skills, our course is perfect for you.

We believe that learning should be enjoyable and engaging, which is why we've created an array of modern, super-cool, and captivating projects that you will develop throughout the course. Each project is created independently from scratch, and you can choose which ones to work on based on your interests.

Our course features separate videos for each technology, enabling you to learn and focus on the areas that interest you the most. For instance, if you're primarily interested in JavaScript, you can skip the HTML and CSS sections and dive right into the JavaScript videos.

You can use this course for 50 days 50 projects or 100 days of code challenges.

I'm Sahand, a web developer with over 16 years of experience, and I'll be your guide throughout the course, answering any questions you may have and providing valuable feedback to help you become a proficient web developer.

Are you ready to immerse yourself in the exciting world of web development? Join us today and start building astonishing websites!

Here is the list of projects:

Age Calculator

Tip Calculator

Recipe Book App

Dice Roll Simulator

Pomodoro Timer

Rock Paper Scissors Game


Weather App

Image Search App

Basic Calculator

Dad Jokes Generator

Photo Gallery

English Dictionary

Anime Pics Generator

Note App

BMI Calculator

Random Quote Generator

Temperature Converter

Currency Converter

Loan Calculator

Random Emoji

Weight Converter

Feedback UI

Button Ripple Effect

Digital Clock

Rotating Image Gallery

Random Color Generator

Real-time Character Counter

Profile Statistics

Heart Trail Animation

Mini Calendar

Animated Search Bar

Social Media Selector Menu

Random Password Generator

Testimonial Slider

New Year Countdown

Emoji Rating

Sticky Navbar

Double Landing Page

Auto Text Effect Animation

Background Image Scroll Effect

Blurred Background Popup

Dark Mode Toggle

Drum Kits

To Do List

Random Photos

Multiplication App

Step Progress Bar

Mouse Event

Loading Bar

Image Slider

Video Trailer Popup


Month calendar


Q&A Section


Background Video

Sidebar Menu

Navbar menu


Join this course if you aspire to construct visually stunning websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Enroll in this course if you're a novice seeking a practical approach to learning JavaScript.

Master HTML, CSS, and JavaScript by constructing uncomplicated yet practical websites in this course.

After this course, students can write HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code and build responsive websites.


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  • 60-HTML-CSS
  • JS-projects
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  • CSS3-and-vanilla
  • JavaScript
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  • 60-HTML-CSS
  • JS-projects
  • HTML5
  • CSS3-and-vanilla
  • JavaScript
