Master Flutter App Dev By Building A real Time Chat App
Complete Flutter Firebase Chat App
19 个章节 • 79 个讲座 • 总时长 12 小时 29 分钟
英语 [自动]
Learn the most basics to advanced knowledge how to make a chatting app and work with flutter firebase
Intermediate to advanced knowledge of Flutter Framework
Intermediate to advanced knowledge of Firebase
How to make advanced query of Firebase
How to design UI in Flutter Framework
Learn the Getx State Management System
Learn about Google, Apple and Facebook Login
Learn how to send notification to users using firebase
Real world tips for uploading the app to Google play and iOS Store
You will learn here how to master firebase and flutter by building a real time chat app. It's a course for building iOS and Android app using Flutter.
Here I have covered how to build Flutter UI to advanced Flutter concept. But this tutorial mostly focuses on how to build a strong app using firebase.
We talked a lot about firebase data storage and how to retrieve them and show on the app. We used a lot of complex queries and conditions to work with. You will learn how to use where() clause, double where() and withConverter() and conditional check. You will also learn about complex processing and listening data update and document updates.
We also showed step by step how to examine on the data. At the end of the course you will get the complete source and master flutter and firebase real time chat app building.
There are fifty three chapters and each chapter deals with a different topic. And more chapters would be added in future.
Screen Features
1. Launch screen
You will see it has screen with three slides. The last one lets you enter in the login page.
2. Login screen
We used social networking for launch screen. The paid version app includes both Google and Facebook sign in. But you will have issues with Facebook login. We will also do Apple account login.
3. Contact screen
From contact screen you would be able to see how many people have chatted to before. You may choose any to chat back.
4. Chatting screen
Here you would be able to chat between two people and get instant messages. Currently you send images and texts for chatting.
Not only you may send photos on the chat, you may also take photos and send.
5. Personal center
Here is your dashboard. You navigate to other screens and logout.
6. Allow location
The app uses user's current location. With this you know who you are chatting to. And there current location.
7. Photo view screen
Here you can tap on a photo and enlarge it.
8. Notification
We will have notification bar to see when others send message
Frontend Flutter developers and backend programmers want to learn Firebase
Want to master the basics of Chatting app and Firebase database structure
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