The Modern Javascript Bootcamp Course (2020)

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The Modern Javascript Bootcamp Course (2020)
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The Modern Javascript Bootcamp Course (2020)

The most up-to-date JS resource online! Master Javascript by building a beautiful portfolio of projects!

4.7 (3571 ratings)

22802 students enrolled

创建者 Colt Steele, Stephen Grider

上次更新 5/2020


英语 [自动生成]


Learn everything there is to know about Javascript - from scratch!

Build beautiful web apps to add to your portfolio

Get job ready with a deep understanding of the internals of JS

Work with Node JS and Express

Create a full E-Commerce app complete with authentication

Automate testing your code by creating your own custom testing framework!

Build your own physics-based JavaScript game

Understand how Javascript developers work on a day-to-day basis

Master the latest JS features like async and arrow functions


A Windows, MacOS, or Linux-based computer is required


Always bet on Javascript!

For years, top recruiters in industry have hired fresh engineers based solely on their knowledge of Javascript. If you want to get a programming job, this is the language to learn! But learning Javascript is complicated! There's fancy syntax, weird design patterns, and a billion resources online that might be giving you wrong - or even be out of date - information.

We built this course to solve your problems. This is the best and most up-to-date resource online for becoming a Javascript professional as quickly as possible. Every minute of this course has been created with one goal in mind: teaching you how to become a great engineer.

The Modern Javascript Bootcamp (2020) focuses on cutting through unnecessary information and giving you just the facts, plain and simple. You won't work with outdated frameworks, learn old styles of programming, or build boring apps. Instead, you'll only spend time writing practical code that can be used today and in the future on your own projects. You'll learn - from very early on in the course - how to write beautiful and reusable code that you'll be proud to show to a future employer.

Two of Udemy's greatest instructors - Colt Steele and Stephen Grider - collaborated to create this course. Between the two of us, we have taught over one million engineers how to program. Rest assured, you will be learning from the best. We know how challenging it can be to understand a new programming from scratch, so we designed this course to offer you a step-by-step, guaranteed approach to becoming a Javascript master.

------ Course Structure ------

This course is divided into two parts. The first half of the course focuses on teaching you the basic syntax of Javascript. Colt will walk you through core topics effortlessly, imparting jewels of JS wisdom along the way. Included in the first half of the course are many programming exercises and small projects, so you can test your new-found knowledge out. Each of these videos can be easily referenced in the future, so you can always come back and brush up on some topic whenever needed.

The second half of the course is focused on building some amazing projects. Stephen will show you how to build some production-ready Javascript applications, including a fully-featured E-Commerce web app! These projects are all styled to be absolutely beautiful, visually stunning apps that you will be proud to feature on your own personal portfolio. The main goal of these projects is to highlight design patterns, and show you the 'right' and 'wrong' ways of writing code. By the end, you'll be confident enough to work on your own personal projects with speed and finesse.

------ What You'll Learn ------

This is a long course, with just about every fact about Javascript you could ever hope to know. Here's a brief subset of the topics you'll cover:

Master the basics of the language, easily understanding variables, objects, arrays, and functions

Understand how to design the structure of the code you write, leading to beautiful and easy-to-read programs

Leverage Javascript's built-in methods to increase your productivity regardless of what libraries or frameworks you use

Develop practical skills around higher-order functions that you will utilize for years to come

Observe how the Javascript and browser work together, and how to increase the performance of JS code

Build awesome projects to fill your personal portfolio

Build command line tools from scratch using Node JS

Fetch and manage information from third-party API's

Build a fully-featured E-Commerce application from scratch - including production-grade authentication!

This is the ultimate Javascript course. There are many resources online for learning Javascript, but this is the only one that covers everything you need to know, from 'A' to 'Z', and a couple letters after that. Master the basics with Colt, then build awesome projects with Stephen. We've taught a million other engineers how to code, and now it is your turn!


Anyone looking to understand and master Javascript

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  • The-Modern
  • Javascript-Bootcamp
  • Course-2020
  • Javascript-课程
